Attention! Long awaited low-allergenic Urushi is finally available!!
This product is much safer than other traditional Japanese Urushi lacquers. Mostly used for Kintsugi and Maki-e lines.
A step-by-step Kintsugi instructional video on youtube!
Attention painters, potters, and swordsmith artists!
Ideal for medium to large Urushi projects.
No.10 -3cm, 1.18 inch
Brush: 30mm /Handle:160 mm/ Material: Sheep hair
No.15 -4cm, 1.57 inch
Brush: 40mm /Handle:160 mm/ Material: Sheep hair
No.20 -5cm, 1.96 inch
Brush: 50mm / Handle:160 mm/ Material: Sheep hair
Designed for fuki urushi tecnhique. No more scuffing or unevenness! Works beautifully.
This is the lastest non-woven fabric for Fuki urushi works.
For fuki urushi, Seshime Lacquer or Low Allergy Urushi-Japanese Lacquer, Pure Urushi are used.