Home >> Shakuhachi Flute >> Shakuhachi For Beginners >> Yuu (Plastic flute) 1.8 - **Listen** Japanese Shakuhachi Flute

Yuu (Plastic flute) 1.8 - **Listen** Japanese Shakuhachi Flute


Yuu (Plastic flute) 1.8 - **Listen** Japanese Shakuhachi Flute

Product #: A3536
Price: ¥16,500 /
Sold Out

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NOTICE: In-store sale only until further announcement. (Available dates unknown)

*Same ABS Shakuhachi of www.shakuhachiyuu.com. Tuned to D.

Comes with a plastic cap, Brand new without box.

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*Please inquire in advance for orders of 3 or more pieces. Looking for a set item including English playing guide? See A3024!


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