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RARE Used: Fuke Shushi, The History of Fuke Sect. The Music and Techniques


RARE Used: Fuke Shushi, The History of Fuke Sect. The Music and Techniques

Product #: AF301-240803
Price: ¥33,000 / USD228
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Very rare used book. The original book is Out of Print. 

Author: Kuzan Takahashi

The history of the shakuhachi is also the history of the Fuhaku sect. This is a highly prestigious research book based on a survey of Fuhaku temples all over Japan, using all kinds of materials as references and by actually visiting temples. This is a must-read for shakuhachi lovers, not only for its history but also for its music theory.
History of the Fuke sect
Life of the Fuke Priests
Temples of the Fuke sect
Music of Shakuhachi Blowing
The Music of the Shakuhachi of the Explanation of Pieces
People of Remembrance
Japanese only/ 356 page/ Published in 1979/Hardcover.
All sales are final.

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