Home >> Shakuhachi Flute >> Shakuhachi For Beginners >> "Naruhachi-kun OLD" (Plastic Flute) 1.8

"Naruhachi-kun OLD" (Plastic Flute) 1.8


"Naruhachi-kun OLD" (Plastic Flute) 1.8

Product #: A3811
Price: ¥7,480 / RUB4,161
Sold Out

5.0/5 (1 vote cast)


The basic PVC of graine pattern with a joint. 1.8 (Pitched to D) Length: 54cm
Scheduled to end sale soon.

Product reviews

ideal for learning

Average: 5 (1 vote)
Submitted by alekschatov on Tue, 2020/02/25 - 12:30am
It does not smell like plastic, sits tight, sounds good. Sound production is perfectly tuned, for a beginner very well suited. There is no conical narrowing, but the air column holds well. Lightweight, beautiful, affordable. You can play any repertoire, there is a video on YouTube with tests of this flute from the masters.

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