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CD Shakuhachi no Shinzui -Sankyoku Gasso


CD Shakuhachi no Shinzui -Sankyoku Gasso

Product #: C0082
Price: ¥13,200 / RUB7,343
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Re-issued!! (2017)

A rare  encounter with a living national treasure in the world of jiuta and koto music. The collection includes carefully selected performances of the highest standard.
By Goro Yamaguchi. Kinko style

Disc 1: Meisho-Miyage/ Nebiki no Matsu/ Zangetu Disc 2: Tamagawa/ Yaegoromo/ Iso Chidori Disc 3: Nana Komachi/ Uji Meguri/ Hagi no TsuyuDisc 4: Enoshima no Kyoku/ Nasuno/ Kogo no Kyoku (Koto players include: Toshiko Yonekawa (National Treasure), Kinichi Nakanoshima, Kunie Fujii, Kiyoko Miyagi and many others)

--NOTE: NOTATION is unavailable for the CD set---

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