Home >> Shinobue Flute >> Shinobue for Sale-Uta >> Ranjo Shinobue >> Ranjo Uta Nut-brown Shinobue - Traditional Japanese Bamboo Flute *LISTEN*

Ranjo Uta Nut-brown Shinobue - Traditional Japanese Bamboo Flute *LISTEN*


Ranjo Uta Nut-brown Shinobue - Traditional Japanese Bamboo Flute *LISTEN*

Product #: AA391
Price: ¥47,300 / EUR284
In Stock

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New Arrival !  July 2024
Availability: One flute per choshi.
You can also listen to the audio here.

6 hon-choshi:https://bit.ly/3fiNtox

8 hon-choshi:https://bit.ly/3GmZ81g

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