Home >> Pre-Owned Bamboo Flutes >> Bamboo Shakuhachi Flute >> 2.4-2.8 Shakuhachi >> 2.4(A) Kinko Senshu Japanese Shakuhachi Bamboo Flute, PRE-OWNED **Listen**

2.4(A) Kinko Senshu Japanese Shakuhachi Bamboo Flute, PRE-OWNED **Listen**


2.4(A) Kinko Senshu Japanese Shakuhachi Bamboo Flute, PRE-OWNED **Listen**

Product #: 5242189
Price: ¥170,500 / USD1,108
In Stock

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2.4(A) Kinko Senshu Japanese Shakuhachi Bamboo Flute, PRE-OWNED **Listen**
Cap 6.0 , Joint 34.7/35.6 mm, Weight 400 grams.
-Definitely shows signs of use.
-Rattan binding repair was done by Not Senshu, but someone else.
-Light transparent paint application on the utaguchi angle.
*MADE IN JAPAN with a domestic madake bamboo.
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